Our Mission
The mission at The Foster Hope Foundation is to power and uplift foster children and their families through the provision of essential resources, advocacy, and growth opportunities. We are committed to generating a community of hope and strength whereby every child feels valued, supported and empowered to reach their full potential. Using our dedication to service and teamwork we want to bring a lasting change to the lives of the people we serve and encourage the foster care system to change in the same way so that positive improvements continue.
Our Vision
Our vision at The Foster Hope Foundation is to make a world where every foster child gets a chance to prosper and achieve. We see a future in which all the children no matter what circumstances they are in have the chance to obtain the support and resources required to reach their dreams. Through such a nurturing culture of empathy, inclusion, and novelty, we aspire to take charge of how foster care is evolving and change the way many young people have their start. Hand in hand, we can develop a world in which every child is acquainted to the force of hope and the acceptance of a much better days to come.

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